Orthodontics Balaji.pdf: The Ultimate Guide for Dental Students and Practitioners
This study is the first to evaluate the effect of orthodontics on alveolar bone graft success. The increased burden of care for these patients with multiple treatments required from multiple specialists from birth to adult life highlights the need for reducing unnecessary treatment provision.
Orthodontics Balaji.pdf
There is a serious lack of research in terms of comprehensive cleft care of UCLP patients at various stages of development in India. To our knowledge, there are no high-quality studies on pre alveolar bone graft orthodontics for cleft patients in India. Hence, this proposed study is aimed at evaluating the need for prealvoelar cleft orthodontics, reducing the burden and at the same time standardising and improving the quality of care for these patients.
Prealveolar bone graft Orthodontics (PABO) study is a 1:1 parallel group multicentre trial. Children aged between 8 and 13 will be randomised to either pregraft orthodontics group or no orthodontic treatment group. The study design is illustrated in Fig. 1.
The study will be overseen by a Study Advisory Group with nominations from the Cleft Lip and Palate Society in India. This will include the members of the study team in addition to an independent chairperson and independent experts in cleft orthodontics, cleft surgery and biostatistics. We will also include patient representatives from Sree Balaji Dental College, BIHER. The Study Advisory Group will have the following specific roles (i) regularly provide advice into the study, (ii) advise on key parameters to explore the Value of Information analysis, and (iii) advise on the qualitative component to enable parents and patients to voice their perspectives and priorities.
Contemporary orthodontics / William R Proffit, Henry W Fields Jr , David M Sarver sively revised to maintain the original goal of the book: toProffits-Contemporary-Orthodontics-William-R.Proffit.pdf